The Touch Europe referee accreditation system has 5 levels of grading: Level 1 to Level 5, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest Level. Levels 1 to 3 are obtained by the combination of attending a referee course and passing an on-field assessment. Levels 4 and 5 are obtained through on-field assessment only (although the referee needs to perform specific off-field tasks in order to be eligible for the upgrade).

If you are interested in becoming a Touch referee, have a look at our upcoming courses or get in touch with our  NDR for more info.


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The level one referee course is an introductory course for Touch referees. No previous experience is necessary and everyone is welcome.

The course takes about 4 hours and includes:

– Overview of the rules
– Referee communication
– Referee positioning
– Whistles technique and signals

The course ends with a written exam. If the participant passes the exam, the practical assessment will take place at a later date. It is advised that participants practice what has been covered in the course before being assessed. Assessment can only be undertaken by an accredited Touch Europe referee coach during at least one competitive game. If you would like to be assessed, please contact us ( so that we can identify a suitable opportunity and ensure a coach is present.


The level two referee course is an intermediate course for Touch referees. Holding a Level 1 badge is a prerequisite.

The course takes a full day and covers:

– Rules in detail
– Characteristics and responsibilities of a referee
– Intermediate referee positioning and communication
– Sideline refereeing
– Advantage, discipline and handling conflict

The course ends with a written exam. If the participant passes the exam, the practical assessment will take place at a later date. It is advised that participants practice what has been covered in the course before being assessed. Assessment can only happen by an accredited L2 Touch Europe referee coach during a full day tournament.

The tournament must be of a sufficiently high standard for Level 2 assessment. In Switzerland, this will usually be at a Swiss Cup. If you would like to be assessed, please contact us ( so that we can identify a suitable opportunity and ensure a coach is present.


The level three referee course is an advanced course for Touch referees. Holding a Level 2 badge is a prerequisite. The course takes two full days and covers all aspects of refereeing.

The course includes a take-home written exam.

Assessment can only be undertaken by the European Referee Commission at a multi-day tournament. This is usually only possible at international events, although sometimes L3 upgrades are possible as example at England Nationals. Please get in touch for more information (


Levels four and five do not require a written exam but are judged through a practical on-field assessment during a multi-day tournament.

Candidates will be evaluated by the European Referee Commission (or equivalent) during international events.